Enrolling is Simple

For less than $1 per day, you can have the protection of the LegalGUARD Plan that covers you, your family and your wallet.

At FIU, you have several options of legal insurance and identity coverage. Please review the options below before checking your eligibility. When you click "Continue" you will be asked for your FIU email address and your Employee ID in order to verify your employment and eligibility to enroll in the LegalGUARD Plan. After we verify your eligibility, you will be able to select the plan that is right for you and then provide us with any additional information needed.

Option 1: The Individual LegalGUARD Plan (Employee Only)
Only $16.56 per month

Option 2: The Family LegalGUARD Plan (Employee, Spouse, and Dependents)
Only $19.84 per month

As an FIU Employee or Retiree, you may also enroll in InfoArmor Identity Coverage. You may choose this coverage for you, you and your spouse, or you and your family.