Hurricane Season is Here
Hurricane Season is Here
The Atlantic hurricane season starts from June 1 to November 30.1
According to The Weather Channel, “The 2016 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to be the most active since 2012, according to a forecast released Friday by The Weather Company, an IBM Business.”2 While we can’t stop hurricanes from occurring, we suggest being prepared for a hurricane, especially while the season is just starting.
Our partner, Nationwide Insurance, has created a list of steps to help prepare for a hurricane event:3
- Examine your property and protect the four critical areas where wind can enter: roof, windows, doors and garage doors.
- Move yard furniture and anything that can go flying in strong winds inside.
- Protect valuables and momentos in waterproof storage containers or be ready to take them with you in the event of an evacuation.
For a more complete list, we encourage you to visit their article here.
The CDC also has a comprehensive list for hurricane emergency preparedness and response. They suggest making a plan and getting supplies. Important things to keep in stock are water, medication, baby food or formula and personal care products.4
We hope you will be prepared and safe this hurricane season.
1. “Hurricane Safety,” National Weather Service, accessed May 5, 2016,
2. Chris Dolcee and Jon Erdman, “2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season Expected to be Most Active Since 2012,” The Weather Channel, May 17, 2016,
3. “Hurricane Season Approaching – Are You Ready?,” In the Nation, accessed May 24, 2016,
4. “Before a Hurricane,” CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response, accessed May 24, 2016,
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