DEI Program
DEI Program
LegalEASE has built a strong and secure DEI program to assist underserved and underrepresented employees.
Our DEI program builds a sense of confidence and connection among employees knowing access to a vast array of legal and financial services are readily available to them in their time of need. Building trust and minimizing barriers for employees who are experiencing legal or financial matters in life is our purpose for the DEI Program.
Studies show underserved and underrepresented employees have an extremely difficult time accessing proper financial and legal advice during challenging events that occur throughout life. Our DEI Program aims to guide employees by supplying necessary resources to resolve problems as well as the steps to enhance financial well-being. Stress and mental health concerns are huge factors employees face when finanacial and legal issues arise. This mental health challenge can compound and prolong a difficult situation. Achieving security, a sense of protection and financial stability are now real possibility through our DEI Program.
3 core components providing a multi-level approach have been designed in our DEI Program to allow employees to achieve success. Employees have access to help when needed.

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